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Press & Praise

In Fade Magazine
SST was selected by In Fade Magazine as one of the Top 100 Coolest Film Sites On The Net.

Live365 Internet Radio
"Mikey" Award celebration honors independent broadcasters and recording artists.

Burlingame CA (Live365) May 1, 2005 - Live365, the world's largest internet radio community, announced the winners in over 50 genres and non-musical categories at a celebration at the Embassy Suites Hotel. won Live365's Best of 2005 for Soundtracks.

USA Today: Hip Clicks - Whitney Matheson
"I'd never seen until Chuck Matthews from Greenville, S.C., recommended it. 'The wide variety includes traditional scores, musicals, game tracks, TV themes, and more. And best of all, it's completely free yet has no commercials. A great listen-at-work station!'"

PC Magazine
"One minute it's The Sound of Music and the next it's the theme from some dark, brooding sado-masochistic Japanese torture film. This site provides round-the-clock streaming movie and television sound tracks based on user requests. Selections range from eclectic to hackneyed, with handy links to places where you can buy the sound tracks."

jean-simon - "Hi guys !
I just discovered this site last evening and spent all the week-end listening it. It's really amazing ! Great. Please receive all my encouragement and congrats. I'm fond of soundtracks movies and it's kinda paradise for me.
talk ya soon. Thanks."

Rick - "Just love your station!!
Well done indeed! Love the interface and the website and that I can hear you on my iPhone when I travel.
The playout software you use is fantastic - seamless between the great selection of soundtracks. This really is a very well done project and I hope you keep up the amazing work you are doing!"

Rashid H - "I have to take the time to hand it to you; amazing selection of music! Every time I tune in I get surprised
with some of my favorite soundtracks. You sure struck the chord playing Battlestar Galactica Season 2 since the show is around the corner with Season 3. KUDOS!"

Caryl~marie - "I just wanted you to know that I listen almost exclusively to your 'streaming soundtracks' on LIVE365...AND JUST LOVE THE MUSIC that you have so skillfully knitted together. It is TRULY a joy! Thank you!"

Nicole and Alexander - "Hello Streaming Soundtracks team,
we'd like to tell you we think your world wide web station "StreamingSoundtracks" is absolutely fantastic!  We explored it just yesterday.  Now we want to listen to it all the time (and can hardly leave the room :) because the music is great and, of course, we know many of the movies and soundtracks and enjoy listening to them. It's such a good idea to create a radio station where this music is played all the time!  Thank you very much!  Greetings from Germany!

Dave R. - "Streaming Soundtracks is THE best discovery I have made all year! I have been a soundtrack and score fan for as long as I have been watching movies. Everyone thought I was weird, but I still love them!

Your station lets me listen to the widest variety of soundtracks on the Internet no matter where I am! Let me tell you how it has made my work day more pleasurable.

Thank you!"

Jazzelyne - "Thank you for your great and professional site! I've looked so long to find a music station with classical filmscores and no buffering or commercial interruptions, but never truly believed it existed until I actually found you. You made a dream come true! More than that... the possibility of making a request makes the site responding to the moods of the listeners, really wonderful!"

alex - "Just found your site today and this is the best station ever!  I have been tellin everyone I know about it. Thanks for playing all types of music including Japanese import music that I would never have a chance to listen to.  THANK YOU!  I will keep buying CD's to support you."

Zeus - "Y'all are the best! What a wonderful and pleasing website, and how generous you are to offer all of this for free... I only personally know two other people who enjoy orchestral soundtracks as much as I do, and one of them has already joined your site.  Thanks so very much for providing the very best listening opportunity I've ever experienced."

Kevin F. | Tacoma, WA - "Just wanted to let you know that you've satisfied my pre-moviegoing urge to hear the Return of the King soundtrack. Thanks and I always enjoy the stream!"

Caray - "I never bought a film music CD in my life until I started listening to SST. I usually don't buy more than 1 or 2 music CD a year. I have now 18 soundtracks CDs and can't stop myself
from marking up new ones I'd like to buy."

Pete C. - "I have always longed for a station that just played what I wanted to hear and now, it has arrived! SST plays a wide variety of filmscore and related music, accepting listener requests and with no commercial interruption. A great site, it is very user-friendly and allows chatting amongst the listeners, who are interesting in themselves! Great tech support puts the icing on the cake; all of it contributing to making easier to find great new music to buy and enjoy!"

matt - "This is awesome-awesome. I cant believe I have been wasting so much time listening to [another station]!!"

rottiepaws - "Just wanted you to know I just bought a soundtrack for the first time in a long time because of no other reason than I requested it on and liked it so much I bought the CD.  Love the site and the stream."

purduemj - "I love this music. I had been searching for the longest time until I found this site about 2 years ago and I haven't left since. I try to keep my Winamp on all the time. I don't even need to request any music because everyone else does such a good job picking things out. Just having it on makes my day that much better."

bolitho2020 - "An awesome station which is the first of its kind to have me hooked. Thanks."

Luther_III - "Fantastic Site!! I wish I had found it sooner. Seriously, this site friggin' ROCKS! I'll tell everyone who cares."


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