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Here you will find some of the fun, clever, stupid, or just plain entertaining quotes or dialogues from the chat.
If you have witnessed something in the chat that deserves a place on these pages, feel free to submit it.

#293 (1) [X]

Finnster: SWFC!
Finnster: JWFC!
Exocet: FCFC!
j2brown: CAEPFC! (Capitalization and Exclaimation Points Fan Club!) Wink

#292 (0) [X]

NessySheep: Do fish need to drink?
Dragonel: Depends if they've had a hard day at the office Smilegrin

#291 (0) [X]

Segellion: I think that one problem of storytelling, is that it's hard to retell them, is that nothing can be stranger than reality.
j2brown: Aren't there something like 7 basic stories, and everything is a variation on those themes?
Segellion: Sure feels that way.
SiN55: Which one is Womb Raider?
Segellion: you're a womb raider
SiN55: Laughing
Segellion: I think that means that in life, at any moment, you can have seven different choices. As all basic plots would rely on seven unique actions performed leading to a certain set of outcomes.
sportsfan800: Laughing Seg
SiN55: Which one is the one where the protagonist does nothing, and nothing bad happens and everything blows over, and he/she leads a happy life?
SiN55: I guess that wouldn't qualify as a story though... hmmm. My life's not a story.
SiN55: Wink
SiN55: Oh but I did have to fight for the girl
Quicksilver: Congradulations, your a background character
Quicksilver: Oh, your in a slice-of-life story
SiN55: LaughingLaughingLaughing I'm..... I'M AN NPC! Big eek
NessySheep: Quick Laughing
Segellion: I'm an npc too Sin, but i'm the mysterious stranger.
SiN55: I used to be a hero, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
SiN55: Mysterious stranger? Oh please, you totally work at the Items shoppe
Segellion: I disagree. I randomly show up at places just to be involved in the main plot.

#290 (0) [X]

MorG: I am officially unplugged
leviathan12: Welcome to the real world, Neo.
leviathan12: As you can see, it's terrible here.

#289 (1) [X]

Loderunner: Resist_All, I know you are here! The Frequency of your picks in the queue has changed!
Loderunner: Resist, send me a Hello or something else
MorG: LOL. Good luck. I can count on one hand how many times Resist has actually responded in chat. But then again, with as much cr@p as he got from us about F13, it's understandable
Loderunner: I am still convinced that Resist_All is Harry Manfredini
MorG: now that would be funny
MorG: but I also know he said his english is not very good, as it's not his primary language
Loderunner: good to know...I will try it with aother languages
Loderunner: *other
Loderunner: Resist, 给我打招呼
Loderunner: Resist, send mig et hej
Loderunner: Resist,lähetä minulle terveisiä
Loderunner: Resist, あいさつを送る
Loderunner: Resist,envíame un saludo
Loderunner: Resist,pošlji mi pozdrav
Loderunner: Resist, Bana bir merhaba gönder.
Loderunner: and now we have to wait
Loderunner: Laughing
Resist_All: Hi Loderunnner
Resist_All: It hasn't changed. They are usually horror movie soundtracks.
MorG: oh my
MorG: Hi Resist!
Loderunner: Big eekBig eek Hi Resist_All!
Loderunner: First time I am talking to you and I am so happy to chat with you now
Loderunner: Which language do you prefer?
MorG: Resist: we don't mind the horror soundtracks. I actually commend you on your track selection expansion. And I know you really enjoy this month Big grin
MorG: Hey Lode, today seem to be your lucky day. Did you play the lottery too? Big razz
MorG: *seems
Loderunner: Laughing
Loderunner: Resist, how are you? Do you also enjoy all the other requests?
Loderunner: he gone? Jesus...I am a SST member since 9 years and Resist is a f***ing legend
MorG: LaughingLaughing
Loderunner: or Resist_All is your secret secondary account
MorG: I still remember my first time I saw Resist say something in chat. We were all in the midst of debating whether he was a bot or not
MorG: man it was nice to finally put that debate to rest
Loderunner: It#s absolutely okay for me that he's gone now. But one question still remains: which of the languages did he respond to?
MorG: iirc he speaks Spanish
Resist_All: As in everything there are good and bad things, but it's always good to hear something new.

#288 (0) [X]

NessySheep: knitting is like programming
NessySheep: in some low level language, like assembley
leviathan12: Assembly language is rough Dead
leviathan12: It's like if you need to give instructions for household chores to a lizard.
Andres: Laughing how far different would giving instructions of any kind to a lizard be from giving them to a stone? Well the lizard would blink and maybe flick its tongue.

#287 (1) [X]

j2brown: I told a guy at work that I bought the score for Jurassic Park. He asked "Is that just a bunch of dinosaurs roaring or something?"

#283 (1) [X]

*Hakuna Matata starts playing*
Locutus76: ugh.. not the matata
Locutus76: really dont like that song
Morg: What matata with you Loc Big razz
Locutus76: hakuna you mean morg?

#282 (0) [X]

MorG: IT IS ASSEMBLED! [Shows picture of 3D printed sword]
Baghira: woah awesome Morg
Dragonel: Nice pogo stick, Morg -wink-
MorG: I may have to slay a Dragon with it later -bigRazz-
Dragonel: Nice thing about plastic swords .... they melt -fire-
MorG: Good thing I used high heat resistant material then isn't it? -bigRazz-
Istagi: Dragon you could probably fart on that PLA sword and it would melt.
Dragonel: Good thing I have a high-heat breath setting *eats a few extra onions*
Dragonel: Ista Yes Onions are good for both weapons -wink-

#281 (0) [X]

23 Mar 21 - 15:54:08 > NessySheep: I don't think he fully understood my problem, but he was very sweet
23 Mar 21 - 15:56:48 > Gert: Well, not everyone can achieve our level of anxiety Laughing so you should be able to sleep now?


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