#192 (3) [X]
02 Aug 10 - 22:28:39 > Jadedtitan: hi andres!! *shakes andres hand with white out*
> Andres: *looks at hand*
> Andres: *uses white-out-ed hand to make Orcish Saruman hand-print on face. rrrrrrr
> leviathan12: *hands bru a jagged iron sword and a picture of a halfling*
> bruiser: "I serve....Sarruuumaaaahhhhnn."
> bruiser: "FIND THE HALFLING!!"
> Andres: Say, I just realized. The vuvuzela was invented by orcs, wasn't it?
> leviathan12: *gives andres map of Fangorn Forrest with big 'X' in the middle*
> Jadedtitan: *gives andres a helmet*
> bruiser: *runs all day in the sunlight*
> leviathan12: It's very similar to the horn at Helm's Deep, only except for calling for help, it summons legions of emotionally unstable soccer fans to do the vuvuzeler's bidding.
> Andres: *starts to run into Fangorn Forest but is stopped and deeply confused by a sign that says "Keep Out. -Dumbledore" *
> NessySheep: and you can carry it much more easy...
> leviathan12: Dumbledore would sooooo kick Saruman's pasty white @$$
> Jadedtitan: dumbledore is alive
> sportsfan800: *tornado enters Fangore forest*
> bruiser: yes, he would.
> bruiser: *Ents actually move as the tornado rips by*
> bruiser: *Hellboy kicks Wormtongue's butt*
> NessySheep: *shelob and aragog sit down for a chat*
> sportsfan800: my precious!
> bruiser: *tiny underdeveloped Voldemort and Gollum admire each other's jewelry*
> Jadedtitan: we dont need any more spider babies!
> NessySheep: *dobby finds a new buddy in gollum*
> bruiser: *Frodo and Sam play Quidditch*
> leviathan12: *Gandalf casually reminds Dumbledore that his wand is bigger*
> bruiser: *Dumbledore smiles coquettishly*
> bruiser: *Hagrid and Tom Bombadil play cards*
> Andres: *locks Voldemort and Sauron in a room together after telling both of them that the other said he was going to kick his asp*
> leviathan12: *Neville's plants eat Aragorn's herbs*
> bruiser: *Snape and Boromir have words*
> NessySheep: *smaug tells norbert stories*
> bruiser: *McGonagal and Galadriel exchange recipes*
> bruiser: *Harry is sick of eating lembas bread for elevenses*
> Andres: *Harry Potter asks Galadriel out*
> leviathan12: *Gimli and Flitwick exchange "No, I'm taller's"*
> bruiser: *Ron asks Arwen out*
> bruiser: *Elrond winks at Umbridge across a crowded room*
> leviathan12: *Arwen snort-laughs, lets out long string of elvish profanity followed by "No"*
> NessySheep: *seamus blows up the ring*
> bruiser: *Hermione runs off to live in sin with Faramir*
> sportsfan800: ron and arwen? rofl
> leviathan12: *Gandalf facepalms, tells Hermione that if she corrects him one more time, he is going to feed her to the Balrog*
> bruiser: *Balrog runs off to live in sin with Buckbeak*
> bruiser: *Fudge and Theoden come to fisticuffs*
> leviathan12: *Snape and Wormtongue exchange conditioners and hair gels*
> NessySheep: *eowyn and hermoine talk about how they kick out the guys*
> bruiser: *Bellatrix flirts with Aragorn*
> leviathan12: *Legolas prances around Hogwarts castle looking pretty, until he is stopped by Umbridge and told to stop prancing*
> bruiser: *Peregrin Took falls into the Black Lake*
> NessySheep: *legolas talks with cedric about all the crazy teeny girls*
> bruiser: "EDUCATIONAL DECREE No. 18 - No Prancing in the Corridors! by order of Dolores Umbridge, Hogwarts High Inquisitor"
> bruiser: *Gandalf says "Fool of a Took!" and fishes him out"
> Andres: *Legolas finds himself strangely drawn to Dumbledore and wonders why he keeps opening closet doors and winking knowingly at him*
> leviathan12: *Aragorn retreats and stabs wildly, mistaking Bellatrix for Mrs. Gollum... or a fairly attractive orc*
> bruiser: *Sam sees himself with Rosie Cotton in the Mirror of Erised*
> bruiser: *Wormtail serves Sauron breakfast in bed*
> leviathan12: *Luna Lovegood's thestral intimidates Shadowfax*
> bruiser: *the King of the Dead invites Dementors to dinner*
> leviathan12: *Aragorn steps into Room of Requirement, finds only endless hallway of showers*
> bruiser: *The back of Quirrel's head causes all the leaves to fall off the White Tree*
> bruiser: *Butterbur closes Prancing Pony; reopens under new name as Hogs' Head*
> bruiser: *serves a drink named after him*
> leviathan12: *Whomping Willow sees White Tree of Gondor, soft violin music plays, hearts float in air, Treebeard whacks Whompy for looking at his lady*
> bruiser: *Draco Malfoy woos Rosie Cotton away from Sam with baubles; Sam challenges him to a duel*
> bruiser: *Ringwraith starts dating Moaning Myrtle*
> leviathan12: *After approximately 9 minutes, Ringwraith gives Myrtle the "It's not you, it's me" speech, ha5 uls rear back to Mordor where it's safe*
> NessySheep: wanna post it in the chat log bru ?
> bruiser: some people aren't finished yet
> leviathan12: Ok, I'm done now.