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#161 (2) [X]
* 18 Jul 08 - 05:24 - Celebration in chat when the final track on the NUT list was about to be played!*
SiriusCreations: Hello BQ - and JT, Gal and others.
BuyerQueen: Good timing!
GalFin: I hope Sirius is not in some d@rn meeting right now...
jadedtitan: Oh yay! There he is
BuyerQueen: I'm literally shaking I'm so excited
GalFin: Here you are, Sirius!! *smile*
masked_platypus: *gets his champagne bottles*
jadedtitan: Does anyone remember when this all started? The NUT hunt? Wow, this sooo exciting!
BuyerQueen: I may be around when it plays, not sure, but the fact the list will be empty when he requests will be awesome! *crying* Tears of joy I assure you
GalFin: Station ID, and it's Bond!! SO suitable!
BuyerQueen: I'm sure Sirius does, jaded
masked_platypus: MFC!
GalFin: MFC!
SiriusCreations: MFC! If I request it now I will have my lunchbreak.
BuyerQueen: MFC!
jadedtitan: Seems like it was only a few months with over 1,000 soundtracks that were on the list...amazing
BuyerQueen: Go Sirius, go!
Cinder: Ok start now!!! http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll280/Barbooo/ChampagnePOP.jpg
masked_platypus: This is so exciting! *laughing*
SiriusCreations: *calculating...
masked_platypus: Cinder - it's my bottle! *laughing*
montybank: Montybank Fan Club?! wow, I didn't know you cared...
BuyerQueen: *blows horn* *throws confetti*
GalFin: POP, POP! There go the champagne bottles!!
SiriusCreations: Monty *big grin*
BuyerQueen: My heart's going to stop!
SiriusCreations: Ok I going to request it now.
Cinder: One JUST for Sirius!!! http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb209/bureta/champagne.jpg
Drum roll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jadedtitan: *throws more confetti*
masked_platypus: http://www.champagne-francois-girard.com/gifs/images/maquette5_08.jpg
GalFin: Whew, Sirius, you were keeping us in such state of expectation..
BuyerQueen: Oh my, Cinder. YAY!
Cinder: He did it!!! #30!
jadedtitan: lol Cin!
BuyerQueen: *raises glass* To Sirius: May your NUT list never be that big again!
GalFin: *laughing *laughing*
jadedtitan: Here here!!
Cinder: Cheers!!! Glasses of something raised... here is to a great group of far way friends working together!! Hip hip hooooray!!!!
masked_platypus: *dances all around the chat*
BuyerQueen: Excuse me sir, don't forget to take it off the list.
GalFin: Yahoo!! Yay! Three cheers to Sirius, to SST and to the NUT crew!!
BuyerQueen: *smilegrin*
GalFin: *laughing* BQ!
BuyerQueen: Thank you Sirius, for everything!
SiriusCreations: Done!
jadedtitan: Well there it is - an empty NUT list!
GalFin: Unbelievable! We did it! We really did it!!! *laughing*
Cinder: lol @ BQ...naaaaa leave it for historical purposes and the day crew!!!
BuyerQueen: Until the update anyway.
BuyerQueen: Great job everyone! We have the best members of any on-line community!
GalFin: I'm grinning like silly here.
jadedtitan: SST certainly is the best!