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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 12:08 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Twist your words? I did not quote you even once. (Yak you should be more observant).

What I did was make a logical extension from what you said. Simply stated, your initial position was asinine.

If you believe that older people (like me) insult themselves when they take time to communicate with the youth of our culture (like you), you should be able to defend that position logically. You can't because it is a silly point of view.

As for repeating that people are precious. All I am doing is remaining consistent. If I took any other position, you would call me hypocritical because the bottom line is you don't like my other points of view. I can deal with that, can you?

Why you feel the need to personally attack me for being confident? The confidence of Cocles does not seem to bother you (it does not bother me either because Cocles can argue pretty well even though I disagree with him often). If you just hate lawyers, get over it.

The bottom line is Slo is that you merely disagree with me. So does Yak. That is why he made a few sacastic posts that I ignored before my vacation because they were not worth a response. Also, I actually thought his disclaimer was funny.

Just give me better reasons why you disagree? (going beyond a personal attack) I find that many people from your generation don't think through issues anymore. They simply pick a side that is popular or that they emotionally like and then they begin name calling to defend that point of view. It is a dumb way to establish a person's convictions.

As for being patronizing, yep that is what I intended so that I would get you all worked up. It worked. Now settle down and tell me why you think older people insult themselves when they invest time to talk to younger people like you. I am looking forward to you trying to defend that position. It should be a hoot.
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 12:19 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Oblique wrote:
Why you feel the need to personally attack me for being confident? The confidence of Cocles does not seem to bother you (it does not bother me either because Cocles can argue pretty well even though I disagree with him often

Anyways i guess the reason why i qouted oblique is because it is another example of a trend that i have began to see. That trend is: constantly comparing yourself to COCLES. By this i mean people always saying, "well cocles does it, and it doesn't bother you when he does it."

I have heard this from more than just you oblique so don't take it too personal. Wink I just find it funny!

COCLES you should be proud, everyone wants to be wants to be like coc, if I, if I could be like COC. Rolling Eyes

I guess to answere those of you who constantly say somthing like what i have up there. Here's the answere. We like Cocles more perhaps, we expect it from him, we take it less serious from him, and my favortie, because we fear him. Razz

Later Kids! oops sorry OLD FOGGIES! Wink
Yak E. Tory

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 12:42 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Nah. Slowmo gave you a giant smackdown, Ob, and no matter how high you climb up on your pedestal before you post or whine about not twisting words, the bruise still shows despite the gallons of condescending juice that you mix in with your very edumacated rhetoric.
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 4:24 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

That's why he's not just any Waffle, Yak. He's the "Waffle KING". ...With his scepter of syrup and his throne of butter..... Mmmmmm, butter.

And Leggy, yeah maybe I should trademark this ol' nick of mine. Or at least parody another Eminem song. Wink

Where is that old thread?

Last edited by Cocles on Thu May 22, 2003 3:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 5:00 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Leggy, I can see your point. Well said. I will try not to do that again. Even so, Oblique concedes that Cocles is an icon of this site.


I do not fear him.

Yak, Whatever ... I guess you are now an expert on what I am feeling. Seems consistent since, in previous posts, you claimed to know what I was thinking as well. You have no clue. However, I was impressed by your use of the phrase "very edumacated rhetoric."

Cocles, ... of course, you have to agree with Yak that I got flamed. You were the first person to say what Slo Mo regergitated after my first post on this thread. I saw you say it in chat, when we were participating in our prior bantering, but I did not respond to it then because the "flame" didn't really matter to me then or now.

Slo should have given you the credit when he posted above then he would not be stuck with trying to defend your indefensable statement.

I find a previously used waffle soggy myself.


P.S. to Leggy - As we discussed before my vacation my family and I finished the outloud reading of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy on Monday. Now I am wondering will the third movie end at:

a) at Mount Doom
b) With the marriage of Aragorn
c) With the Cleansing of the Shire of Ruffians; or,
d) With Sam putting his feet up after returning to his beloved Rosie after saying his good-byes.

You and I first thought Mount Doom, but I suspect a different ending now. Maybe a poll is in order (if it has not yet been done).
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 6:06 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Cocles wrote:

And Leggy, yeah maybe I should trademark this ol' nick of mine. Or at least parody another Eminem song. Wink

Where is that old thread?

right here!

but now where was that slap rap made by me? btw, for the leggy's dance party, lets change it to, sst's sing a long. cause that way we could have a cool blue album cover, and tracks created by everyone here, i was thinking of making a song about a secret agent man cocles, spying on that other site WinkWink
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 3:50 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Legolas wrote:
i was thinking of making a song about a secret agent man cocles, spying on that other site WinkWink


Hey Oby, I wasn't the first to say what SlowMy did, and neither he nor I will be the last.

Oblique, you're just creepy. That's all. What kind of professional guy over 40 spends his free time with kids half his age on the internet?

To make it worse you log on with nothing but criticism and an urge to argue. You act pompous, but have yet to offer anything positive to the site. Instead of being the kindly and wise older gentlemen many forums have, you come off as the one most likely to be driving around a school in your windowless van offering the children candy-bars.

So, what's up? Why are you here?

You're paid hourly. Why aren't you working? You have a wife and kids. Why aren't you with them? A guy like you should have better things to do, yet you apparently don't.

Sure, there are plenty of other guys your age hanging out online. So why aren't you with them?

You're just creepy, Oby. That's all. Smile

Last edited by Cocles on Thu May 22, 2003 5:59 am; edited 2 times in total

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 4:11 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmmm Cocles is still the newest member on that site. How many new ones do we have each day?

Oh I checked the recent polls: "What is Zimmer's best score?"

The Rock got 18 votes, well Gregson-Williams and Glennie-Smith probably won't like that Very Happy Zimmer only did a couple of themes (afiak).
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 5:28 am   Post subject: Reply with quote


Okay, instead of taking every next paragraph of what you posted and making a direct reply to it (which is childs play, but a lot of work because you obviously never learned to be brief and to the point) - instead of that let's just try another angle.

You call yourself confident, think yourself omniscient, and the most correct person on this board as opposed to 'the young ones' you feel so called to guide. My first point was NOT asinine, as you called it, far from it; my first point I made was :

"Okay, don't be afraid, your post will not be ignored, I'll flatter your ego and address your insult to the contributions of the community to this thread. "

It was nice and condescending, a piece of your own pie.

Or do you mean my other point, the one other people apparently also noticed : that something might be wrong if a forty year old comes around the forum, jumping into conversations and showing us 'the light'. I don't think there's something undefensible about the point, I detest and abhor when people think age means superiority. And the attitude you have as though you are god's gift to the forum is kind of, well, annoys me.

Finally, and I don't mean this as an insult, but I hope you realise that if you are like this in real life, your children will become rebellious. They'll prove you wrong in the end. We here in the forum, people you barely know, won't ever be able to do that.. You're too selfrightious.
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Cadet 2
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 1:23 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

If it makes you feel better I can provide you some pics of Pixie at her "potential" and webspace for some Photoshop Phun.

However reading this thread, all I got to say is "Get off the computer, and go outside amongst the living. The Internet is clearly rotting your brain".

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PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2003 6:00 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

this is the funniest thing i have ever read.
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