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Biased BBC

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USA Cocles


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 4:44 am   Post subject: Biased BBC Reply with quote

In past threads, certain posters have gone on and on over how biased certain news sources are. When a more moderate poster would reply with, "So what? ALL news sources are biased in some way or another.", these particular posters would always throw their fingers towards the BBC.

"The BBC is completely unbiased!", they would say. The BBC is the best news source available! Blah blah blah. Well news flash. The BBC is just like everyone else, as they just got banned from the British Flagship for (drum roll, please) bias. Smile

Last edited by Cocles on Thu Apr 10, 2003 3:32 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 7:22 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Our European and Canadian friends seem to be *cough* strangely silent about this...

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 7:27 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Shocked I read some email that a marine sent. Appearently the BBC is the only news the soldiers can see. They all say it's just plain incorrect. OTOH, that's not so bad..

As you can see behind me, at this BIG MOSQUE in the middle of Baghdad, delta force is massing up getting ready for an attack.. *muffle* HELP! GET OFF OF ME!

Probably to throw off iraqis? *shrug*

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 1:34 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

How in the world did i miss this thread. Anyway here goes my rant session for the day... and its all got to do with a quote from that article.

"The BBC always takes the Iraqis' side. It reports what they say as gospel but when it comes to us it questions and doubts everything the British and Americans are reporting"

Im sorry, if they are basing their so called biased suspicions of the BBC based on comparisons of near propoganda american material, then no wonder the BBC apears biased to them.

Or if you interperete it the other way and say that they now question everything that is being reported, then i have this to say:
Taking american and israeli television aside for a momment(there you go cocles, im not just aluding to just american tv), everyone seems to be reporting news stories that make this war look bad or unjust or whatever. IF you are a soldier watching these stories and you are about to put your life on the line, and realize that these news stations are basicly saying that you will be putting your life on the line for something unjust or wrong, ofcourse you will be pissed of and ofcourse you will attack it. You can then call it biased, call it nonesence, call it whatever, be it the truth or not. If a soldier is about to put his life on the line, he does not want to hear this, ofcourse hes going to attack and disagree with it. I think that is the case here.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 1:45 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote


You've just made our point, without either Cocles or I even having to say anything further. The job of a news source is to provide news that is accurate, truthful, and *ahem* objective. Now, it's sufficient to say that I haven't come across a whole lot of places that get any 2 of those 3 done correctly, let alone all 3, but you've done a wonderful job in proving why the BBC *IS* biased. This isn't supposed to be world's most accurate commentary source. It's supposed to be the world's most accurate news source. A far cry from that, it would seem though, eh?

'Nuff Said.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:08 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Yvond wrote:

You've just made our point, without either Cocles or I even having to say anything further. The job of a news source is to provide news that is accurate, truthful, and *ahem* objective. Now, it's sufficient to say that I haven't come across a whole lot of places that get any 2 of those 3 done correctly, let alone all 3, but you've done a wonderful job in proving why the BBC *IS* biased. This isn't supposed to be world's most accurate commentary source. It's supposed to be the world's most accurate news source. A far cry from that, it would seem though, eh?

'Nuff Said.

OK, i understand your point, I always have. However, my point is that sometimes, especialy in war cases, to ACURATLY report and convey news and events , objectivity takes on a lesser role then say truth or acuracy. For example, this article:
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:18 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Your news source seems to be so objective that it doesn't say anything...

404 Error - Page Not Found

LOL! Wink

Last edited by Yvond on Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:53 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Yvond wrote:
Our European and Canadian friends seem to be *cough* strangely silent about this...

I've arrived too late to this topic, but as European I have my own opinion, which is that ALL media is biased, one way or the other. Just some of them are less than others. In any case, on these days I can only remember some words of "the emperor" saying they were going to enroll reporters in order to create fake news which will benefit him, so, after that, who's going to rely on any US media, I'm not.

A biased European
USA Cocles


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 3:10 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Get that info in one of those conspiracy nut papers you read, Esparvy? Wink

For those of you who are new here and don't know. Esparvy here knows every anti-US conspiracy theory that's been made over the past 200 years. Smile

And yes it's ALWAYS the US to blame.





I like how Esparvel spends most of his time on here bashing the US instead of criticizing his own country, Spain, which also supports the war. Why don't you post some conspiracy theories about Spain too?

Wait! Esparvy, I'll post your rebuttal for you!

"Esparvel, "But my country isn't the one actually over there!"

Yeah yeah, good job! Wink

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 4:00 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Cocles wrote:
Get that info in one of those conspiracy nut papers you read, Esparvy? Wink

Nope, I heard the emperor self saying it on TV, I'm just quoting his burp, excuse me words

For those of you who are new here and don't know. Esparvy here knows every anti-US conspiracy theory that's been made over the past 200 years. Smile

And here Cocles is the Republican paladin for those of you who haven't yet figured out it, whatever the almighty emperor says has to be right as far as there's a flag on the back instead of a painting of Picasso. More effects, add the national anthem and he'll be the wisest ever man on Earth

And yes it's ALWAYS the US to blame.





Nope, there are other countries to blame, just, this far they don't do acts of piracy and pretend to convince the rest of the World that it's for High purposes

I like how Esparvel spends most of his time on here bashing the US instead of criticizing his own country, Spain, which also supports the war. Why don't you post some conspiracy theories about Spain too?

Wait! Esparvy, I'll post your rebuttal for you!

Excuse me, I've said that the president of my country is a total nitwit, that I'm against his politics and that he should be in a rocket destination Moon together with the almighty emperor, Castro, Saddam, and many other illuminated (sic) of this World, dictators, no thanks!

"Esparvel, "But my country isn't the one actually over there!"

Read the news, Spain has a small fleet in Um Qasr, A hospital ship, a fuel ship and a scort ship, sorry dude, we are there, and trying to help the Iraquies, not encouraging them to burn their libraries, to destroy their museums and to loot their hospitals.
Oh, I forgot, the Oil ministery and all the oil wells are very well protected, ....

Yeah yeah, good job! Wink

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 4:18 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay you guys, I want the 6 minutes of my life back that it just took to read this thread.
USA Cocles


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 4:38 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

I see you're keeping with your usual ratio.

For every 12 times you bash the US, you make one quick referrence to Spain being screwed up too. Smile

I also love how you skew things so that the US is now ENCOURAGING the looting. Smile

You are so CNN! Wink

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:15 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Cocles wrote:

You are so CNN! Wink

ahahahahhah. o i need a drink.
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